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Describes the result of a load call.

Public Functions

LoadResult(string waterfallId, string lifecycleId, IEnumerable< InstanceResult > instances)
bool TryGetSuccessResult(out InstanceResult.Success success)
If the load result was successful, return an instance of InstanceResult.Success
override bool Equals(object obj)
override int GetHashCode()
override string ToString()

Protected Functions

bool Equals(LoadResult other)

Public Properties

string WaterfallId
An identifier for the waterfall used in the current load call.
string LifecycleId
An identifier for the current load call, useful to track the progress of the ad lifecycle flow.
IEnumerable< InstanceResult > Instances
A collection of the waterfall instances and their results involved during the load call.

Public Functions Documentation

function LoadResult

    string waterfallId,
    string lifecycleId,
    IEnumerable< InstanceResult > instances

function TryGetSuccessResult

bool TryGetSuccessResult(
    out InstanceResult.Success success

If the load result was successful, return an instance of InstanceResult.Success


  • success InstanceResult.Success When this method returns, contains the waterfall's winning instance information, if the load result was successful; otherwise, a null value. This parameter is passed uninitialized.

Return: bool true if the load result was successful; otherwise, false.

function Equals

override bool Equals(
    object obj

function GetHashCode

override int GetHashCode()

function ToString

override string ToString()

Protected Functions Documentation

function Equals

bool Equals(
    LoadResult other

Public Property Documentation

property WaterfallId

string WaterfallId;

An identifier for the waterfall used in the current load call.

property LifecycleId

string LifecycleId;

An identifier for the current load call, useful to track the progress of the ad lifecycle flow.

property Instances

IEnumerable< InstanceResult > Instances;

A collection of the waterfall instances and their results involved during the load call.

Updated on 2024-10-03 at 21:09:07 +0000