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Describes the impression data of an ad.

Public Functions

override bool Equals(object obj)
override int GetHashCode()
override string ToString()

Protected Functions

bool Equals(ImpressionData other)

Public Properties

decimal Revenue
Estimated revenue that the ad generated.
decimal Ecpm
Ecpm value for the ad.
string PlacementId
Placement id of the waterfall used to load this ad.
string NetworkName
Name of the network used to render this ad.
string SubNetworkName
Name of the sub network used to render this ad, if available.
string CreativeId
Id of the creative rendered, if available.
string AdSpace
The name of the ad space provided when presenting the ad, if available.
string AdNetwork
Name of the network that filled the ad.
string Mediation
Name of the mediation service used to mediate this ad network.
LoadResult WaterfallResult
Describes the result of the waterfall used to load this ad.

Public Functions Documentation

function Equals

override bool Equals(
    object obj

function GetHashCode

override int GetHashCode()

function ToString

override string ToString()

Protected Functions Documentation

function Equals

bool Equals(
    ImpressionData other

Public Property Documentation

property Revenue

decimal Revenue;

Estimated revenue that the ad generated.

property Ecpm

decimal Ecpm;

Ecpm value for the ad.

property PlacementId

string PlacementId;

Placement id of the waterfall used to load this ad.

property NetworkName

string NetworkName;

Name of the network used to render this ad.

property SubNetworkName

string SubNetworkName;

Name of the sub network used to render this ad, if available.

property CreativeId

string CreativeId;

Id of the creative rendered, if available.

property AdSpace

string AdSpace;

The name of the ad space provided when presenting the ad, if available.

property AdNetwork

string AdNetwork;

Name of the network that filled the ad.

property Mediation

string Mediation;

Name of the mediation service used to mediate this ad network.

property WaterfallResult

LoadResult WaterfallResult;

Describes the result of the waterfall used to load this ad.

Updated on 2024-10-03 at 21:09:07 +0000